
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Just a little bit lonely. Just a little bit sad. I was feeling so empty.
Until you came back. Until you came back.
Until you came.

p/s: I miss you. And and this song reminds me of Abi Hurairah and Usop in Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah. They are the reason why I love this song so much. Haha. Funny.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Petua Hilangkan Jerawat..

Hi. Er, assalamualaikum lah. Hehe. Untuk entry kali ni, saya nak share tentang petua-petua untuk hilangkan jerawat. Sebab ape? Sebab semenjak dua menjak ni, jerawat telah membiak dengan jayanya pada wajah saya. Sigh. Jum kita jenguk-jenguk sikit petua-petua kat bawah nie ye.

1. Susu Tepung :

Bancuh sesudu susu tepung dengan sedikit air. Tepek pada keseluruhan muka setiap malam. Setelah kering, bilas     dengan air suam. Amalkan setiap hari. 

2. Asam Gelugur :

Rendam beberapa keping asam gelugur (dikenali juga sebagai asam keping) selama satu malam. Tumbuk beberapa helai daun pucuk jambu batu hingga halus. Campurkan kedua-dua bahan dan sapukan pada keseluruhan muka. Amalkan dua kali seminggu.

3. Beras Dan Inai :

Giling segenggam beras bersama segenggam daun inai hingga lumat. Bulat-bulatkan adunan sebesar duit syiling 5 sen dan jemur hingga kering. Simpan dalam bekas kedap udara.
Apabila hendak menggunakannya, titis beberapa titik jus limau nipis dan sapukan pada keseluruhan muka dengan menggunakan belahan kentang. Amalkan dua kali seminggu.

4. Kulit Kayu Manis :

Asah sedikit kulit kayu manis atau ambil sedikit serbuk kayu manis dan campurkan dengan sedikit madu. Jadikan masker sebelum masuk tidur. Bilas dengan air bersih pada keesokan paginya. Amalkan tiga kali seminggu.

p/s: Hehe. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.


        Do you know what Trichotillomania really is? It is actually the scientific name for hair pulling disorder. A hair pulling habit is specifically where an individual frequently pulls their own hair, or the hair of others. This can include objects as well, such as carpet. It is quite weird huh. And unfortunately I am one of them. Sigh. I love to pull my hair okay, especially whenever I read books. It happened since I was in secondary school I guess. Kawan2 I pun selalu tegur I. They ask me to stop pulling my hair. Oh God. How can I stop that habit? Please help me or not it will get worse. I'm afraid it will lead to varying degrees of bald spots on my head. Hopefully not. I'll try my best to stop this bad habit. Pray for me okay. Hugs.

Gambar takde kaitan. Hehe.

p/s: Hihi. Luckily I do wear tudung. So, takde masalah sangat if I get bald spots on my head. Er, I tak mintak okay. Please jauhkan saya daripada habit ini. And and special thanks for my rumet, Cik Suka Suki for always ketuk-ketuk my hand whenever I use to pull my hair off. Ngee. Sayang awak ketat2. Erk. Haha.

Things I Love About You..

Here are 66 things I love about you, honey..

1. I love that you love me.
2. I love knowing that I can be myself with you.
3. I love how we met and fell in love.
4. I love the little sweet things you do.
5. I love the way you smell.
6. I love laughing with you about our silly jokes.
7. I love how good looking you are.
8. I love how we always happen to think about the same thing at the same time.
9. I love that you always make sure you walk on the outer side of the road.
10. I love that you are a perfect gentleman.
11. I love your manners.
12. I love that you always remember our anniversary.
13. I love that you always remember my birthday.
14. I love enjoying food with you.
15. I love to hear you say I-love-you's.
16. I love to tell you that I love you.
17. I love how you always support my decisions and choices in life.
18. I love how you have such patience with me.
19. I love knowing that I can talk to you about anything and everything.
20. I love you calling me all kinds of sweet/weird nicknames.
21. I love that you love me calling you sweet/weird nicknames.
22. I love the man in you who wants to look after me.
23. I love that you messages me everyday.
24. I love how we can still just talk for hours.
25. I love that you are always so understanding.
26. I love that you never seem to get mad with me.
27. I love how comfortable we are around each other.
28. I love how you think I am perfect in your eyes.
29. I love our similarities.
30. I love our differences.
31. I love watching movies with you.
32. I love your eyes.
33. I love the way you smile.
34. I love that you love my mum, my dad and my family.
35. I love knowing that you will always be there for me.
36. I love going shopping with you.
37. I love how much you trust me.
38. I love how you listen to everything I have to say.
39. I love that you always let me hang up first before you put down the phone.
40. I love your sweet talk.
41. I love to watch you eat.
42. I love how we can discuss about things in life.
43. I love that my family loves you too.
44. I love how you nag me to eat healthily.
45. I love how you would entertain my do-you-love-me questions everyday.
46. I love how you tease me.
47. I love it when you feed me.
48. I love how much you appreciate me.
49. I love that you are careful and I'm careless.
50. I love how we share each other's secrets.
51. I love your sincerity and honesty.
52. I love how it makes me smile whenever I think of you.
53. I love it when you carry things for me.
54. I love it when you promised me that you will always take my side no matter what happens.
55. I love that we have great chemistry in almost everything.
56. I love that we are best friends.
57. I love it when you willing to come from Pahang to Kuala Lumpur to see me.
58. I love talking about you with my mum.
59. I love how you nag me to take medicine whenever I sick.
6o. I love how you get jealous when I get close to any guys. 
61. I love the way you talk to my mum and dad.
62. I love how you tried your best to fulfill my wishes.
63. I love it when you accompany me until I get asleep.
64. I love it when I wake up at night, you are there for me even you are sleepy.
65. I love it when you wake me up every morning for Subuh prayer.
66. I love it when you always prays for me.

No matter how bad things get, you've always been one of the reasons that 
I am thankful for my life everyday. I love you, whole-heartedly.

p/s: Mind you. If this entry bother you or buat korang menyampah, feel free to leave this page okay. 
Ni keje orang2 yang takde keje macam saya. Hehe.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 Tips Kecantikan..

1. Minum banyak air. Minum. Minum dan minum. Bukan air coke atau air berperisa seperti kopi dan teh tapi air suam atau air mineral. Dengan minum banyak air bersih dapat membantu membuang toksin dalam badan, menjaga kesihatan kulit dan juga membantu membakar kalori dalam badan. Senang bukan?

2. Bersenam. Baik utk kesihatan dan elok utk rohani. Berjalan di sekitar rumah pun satu bentuk senaman yg mudah. Jgn malas utk bersenam. Lepas bangkit tidur, cuba lakukan sedikit senaman regangan utk melancarkan kembali peredaran darah. 

3. Jangan merokok. Merokok merosakkan kulit dan juga menjejaskan kesihatan. Semua orang tahu tu. Jadi kenapa nak merokok?? Nak kuruskan badan?? Kurus sebab merokok hanya kerana badan kita dah berpenyakit, jadi kuruslah. Jika org memilih antara sihat dan berpenyakit. Pasti org lebih nak sihat. Kan??

4. Tidur yg cukup. Jgn asyik berjaga waktu malam. Tak elok tu. Waktu malam kan dikhaskan utk tidur?? Tak cukup tidur akan membuat anda kelihatan lebih tua dan mata lebam. Hehe. So Aimi, please tidur awal ye. Dah dah laa berjaga malam sebab melayan cerita ceritun korea. Hihi.

5. Pada waktu tertentu, benarkan kulit anda berehat dari memakai sebarang mekap. Kulit juga perlu bernafas! Jgn biarkan sisa2 mekap melekat di muka ketika masuk tidur. Rajin-rajinlah cuci muka kat rumah. Tak payahlah sapu itu ini. Cukuplah dgn wajah yg bersih. 

6. Makan yg cukup tapi bukan berlebihan. Jgn sebab nak kurus, anda rela berlapar setiap hari. Cara yang baik, makan ketika lapar dan berhenti sebelum kenyang. Makanan memberikan tenaga dan vitamin yg diperlukan badan tetapi jeling-jelinglah makanan anda. Pastikan ia menu sihat dan bukan penuh lemak atau junk food dan fast food semata-mata. 

7. Luangkan masa utk memanjakan diri seperti membuat facial atau mencuci rambut di salun, sauna dan spa atau nikmati saja mandian buih di rumah. Tak semestinya di salun. Anda juga boleh memanjakan diri dengan melakukan sendiri di rumah. Jika rajin cari pelbagai jenis bunga yang wangi dan lakukan sendiri mandian bunga. Bunga dikatakan mempunyai energi tersendiri utk mencantikkan tubuh badan. 

8. Elakkan stress. Stress mempercepatkan proses penuaan. Nikmatilah muzik lembut di kamar bagi meredakan ketegangan. 

9. Don't worry, be happy. Anggap diri anda hebat dan cantik, pasti anda akan kelihatan hebat. Jika kita yakin dengan diri kita, tentu penampilan kita pun cantik! 

10. Ketawa penghibur duka ye you all. Jadi ketawalah apabila bergurau senda dgn famili atau kawan2. Jangan memoyokkan diri atau menarik muka masam. Anda hanya menambahkan kedutan di muka. 

Senyum ini macam okay. Hehe. Takde kaitan.

p/s: Marilah kita amal-amalkan ye. Hehe. Sayang korang ketat2. :D

Please Don't Leave Me..

- Pink -

Reminds me of my rumet, Cik Suka SukiShe used to make this song as her phone's ringtone. 
Erk, am I missing you darling? Haha. Maybe rindu dengar awak bersin kot. Hihi. 
Please bangga okay sebab bukan senang I nak rindu orang. Lol.

Say hi to Cik Suka Suki..

p/s: Credit to Encik Padirul. Don't leave me okay sayang. Don't you dare. Ngee.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sis's Wedding..

Hi. First and foremost, rasenye dah lame I tak post any entry here. Hehe. Busy with finals lah katakan. Sigh. So, after dah about two weeks bercuti, here I am. Hihi.

Actually, dalam entry kali nie I want to share about my one and only sister's wedding, Kakyu. The wedding was on her husband's side at Kluang, Johor. It was on 16th April. Hehe. Dah almost two week dah. Baru nak post kat sini. Hish Aimi nie. Ngee. Okay2. To make it short, I headed to Johor a day before the wedding from Kuala Pilah together with my brother's family. Unfortunately, on the way there kereta buat hal pulak. Terpaksa stop dulu kat tepi highway. Sigh. So, kitorang sampai sana a bit late. But It's okay. Rasa penat terus hilang bila dah berkumpul dengan sanak-saudara dan dengar celoteh masing-masing.

On the day of the wedding, kitorang tak rush sangat sebab majlis pun start pukul 12.30 tengahari. So, pagi tu sempat lagi keluar breakfast beramai-ramai. Hehe. Okaylah. Penat nak story banyak2. Here are some pictures on that day. Feel free to scroll the pictures below okay. A picture is worth a thousand words right?

P/s:  Oh ya. I ditugaskan untuk jadi pengapit pengantin on that day. So, that's why I wasn't wearing baju purple macam orang lain, but white. Hihi.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Final Exam..

Fuhh..One more paper to go..
Holidays, here I come!! ;D
*Big smile*