
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sis's Wedding..

Hi. First and foremost, rasenye dah lame I tak post any entry here. Hehe. Busy with finals lah katakan. Sigh. So, after dah about two weeks bercuti, here I am. Hihi.

Actually, dalam entry kali nie I want to share about my one and only sister's wedding, Kakyu. The wedding was on her husband's side at Kluang, Johor. It was on 16th April. Hehe. Dah almost two week dah. Baru nak post kat sini. Hish Aimi nie. Ngee. Okay2. To make it short, I headed to Johor a day before the wedding from Kuala Pilah together with my brother's family. Unfortunately, on the way there kereta buat hal pulak. Terpaksa stop dulu kat tepi highway. Sigh. So, kitorang sampai sana a bit late. But It's okay. Rasa penat terus hilang bila dah berkumpul dengan sanak-saudara dan dengar celoteh masing-masing.

On the day of the wedding, kitorang tak rush sangat sebab majlis pun start pukul 12.30 tengahari. So, pagi tu sempat lagi keluar breakfast beramai-ramai. Hehe. Okaylah. Penat nak story banyak2. Here are some pictures on that day. Feel free to scroll the pictures below okay. A picture is worth a thousand words right?

P/s:  Oh ya. I ditugaskan untuk jadi pengapit pengantin on that day. So, that's why I wasn't wearing baju purple macam orang lain, but white. Hihi.


  1. hahahaha. wel wel wel. org xde keje laa katekan. ;P

  2. yola tu..pengapit yg duk bising bebel berpeluh..due kali jadik pengapit, due kali jugak i dgr bebelan makcik nih -_-"

  3. hahahahaha..da mmg btol pn berpeluh..cam air terjun u..nk lap peluh sdiri xley..hais ;P
