Wahh..suddenly, KMM appeared in my mind..KMM here stands fer Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka ye kawan2..-.-" tibe2 lak trengat life kat sane..penuh warne warni..mcm Lolipop..got a lot of friends..rumet yang sgt sporting and supportive..Izyan, Suha, Ain..besties since school life; Pat, Nad, Kdah, Kak bir, Pinat, Toyo and many more..not forgotten classmet2 yg sgt satu kpale ngan sy..hehe..especially Isye a.k.a. sekut, Iskandar, Balqis, Ayu, Wan, Wawa, Sally and others..those who are not mentioned here, you're included too oke..fyi da truth was, i didn't really like KMM on da first day i stepped my foot there..haha..nanges mcm bdak umor staun jagung..naseb baek ad Incik Fadhirul Amran..die laa teman setie dan pengubat rindu sy pada family..hehe..tengs awak!!
But I was definitely wrong..life kat sane sgt2 lah best..wlaupun bangunan2 die quite usang..hahah..maklum laa da lme gle da kot KMM nie..and at last, rase berat hati lak nk tinggalkan tempat nie..nk tinggal kawan2, rumet, library..hehe..library?? coz c2 laa tmpat sy lepak tiap2 hari..habeskn mase ngan kawan2..byk tol memory kat c2..hehe..BAEK PUNYE!!ngee..-.-" Kat KMM nie laa sy blaja mcam2..and wat i love most was aerobic..hehe..sy msuk pertandingan aerobic tau kawan2!! ^_^ then, masuk pertandingan nasyid lah..aha..oke laa 2..at least kitorang dapat laa menang tempat ke-2 fer each competition..ehh..dh2 laa tu..pot pet pot pet..smpae pagi sok pn xhabes raseny lau cite sal KMM nie..oke lah..feel free ntuk tengok gmba2 kat bawah nie..;P
H7P4..clasmet2 yang sangat cool..erm, tym nie kitorg kne organise pameran hape ntah..hehe..udah lupa dong..;P
Eheh..a picture with our Sir Adli, the English lecturer..haa..fyi, bukan snang tau nak amek gmba ngan Sir Adli nie..mcm2 alasan die kasi..tu laa..nie laa..last2 dpat jugak amek gmba ngan die..even fer once..nie pun tym hari2 terakhir kitorg kat KMM tau..hehe..from left; Iskandar, Isye, Aimie, Sir Adli, Apek, Farok..:))
Me with Suha and Pat..haha..tym nie mcm bongok gile..sme2 menangisi pemergian Adilaa Syamimi ke Mesir..haha..xde keje kn kitorg..smpae bengkak2 mate masing2..and kalau korg nk tau, nie laa cafe feveret kitorg..known as Cafe B..I ske sgt mkn mee kari and minum nescafe ais kat cnie..haha..kpada sesape yg ad bace entry b4 dis msti t'tanye2..ouh, nape xske teh ais?? actually, I da fobia nk minum teh ais kat cnie coz ad peristiwa ngeri happened to me when I was in dat cafe..hehe..;P
See!! we're enjoying our life there aite..ngee~ padahal sume bg senyuman plastik coz masing2 tension xdapat jwab exam..hahah..then, dat nite..habes badan naek gatal sb men dalam semak samun tuh..lol~
With Suha..nottie rumet..;P
Isye a.k.a Sekut..emm, tym nie kitorg bru je habes men tiup2 tepung..hehe..just look at our faces..comot gile..hehe..fyi, kitorg sekelas habeskan mase slame 1 ari suntuk kat Tanjung Bidara..if i'm not mistaken laa..dari pagi smpae petang ad je aktiviti kitorg..haha..lawakny..sampai je kat KMM ptg tu, sume org bru prasan yg masing2 da jadik cam udang bakar..hangus akibat sunburnt..just imagine betape panasny cuaca ari tu..ehe..tp kitorg xkesa wey!!sb kitorg ENJOY!! ^_^
Me and Balqis..:))
Me lepaking with Nad, Kdah and Nita..we have been together since our
secondary school..:D
Ouch..Iskandar Mazlan..si pemuda yg menjadi kegilaan ramai gadis di KMM..included me??hahah..NO WAY!! ;P
Sape awek2 cun nie??hehe..nie laa my clasmet yg sgt best tuh..mmg BEST gile ar..from left; Wawa, Sally,Najah and Ayu..oppss, yg kat blakang tu Iskandar ngan Wan..
nga posing nk amek gamba..haha..;P
p/s: rindu korang sangat2 tau..CEPAT2 LAA WAT REUNION YE!! ^_^
woha........rindu gop KMM....
ReplyDeletetau xpe..windu gile wey..sob3~
ReplyDeletereunion ye yie??uh..ok gop tuu..hehe
ReplyDeletehahahaha..elele sekut nie..tau ar duk jauh..;P
ReplyDeletehaha, dop la yie..kalu nok wat pon ok je,,tggu la time coti..hehe
ReplyDeletehuhu..tym cuti..sume balik nogori masing2 kut..haha
ReplyDeletesaye xde..huk2!
ReplyDeleteaiyok..name kn da ad tu..hehe..:))