Aww..tengs kut a.k.a hisyam for giving me dis award..
haha..actually, sy pn xtau award pe senanye nie..aha..
trime jela..
then, sape2 yang dianugerahkan award nie
kne buat sumthing..
1) write 5 interesting facts about the person who gave u this award..
~sy pnggil die SEKUT..;P
~kononny pemalu..padahal mulut die..pot pet pot pet..haha..xknal maka xchenta laa kn..;P
~baik gak kot..eceh..
~ske dikir barat..maybe?
~ske loyar buruk..haha
2) Write down 10 interesting facts about yourself and your hobby..
~addicted to tea ais
~love nescaffe
~suke shopping
~suke jenjalan..mkn angin..
~1st org tengok sy,maybe dorg akn easily ckap sy nie sombong dan pendiam..BUT seriously i'm NOT..
~SINGLE?? NO!! i'm not single anymore..:))
~got alot of frens
~sedaya upaya cuba jaga hati kawan
~love singing so much..ehe
~manje cket kot
3) 10 deserving recipients and describe them..
all bloggers..:))
4) Link of the person who give this award for u:
5) Spread the award to bloggers who u like and u think their blog are awsome:
Mr. Peanuxx
Cik Nanun
Cik Nad